How Do I Spy on My Husband

How Do I Spy on My Husband

How Do I Spy On My Husband

Concerned wives often ask us how do I spy on my husband? There are many ways you can carry out surveillance and spy on your husband with the use of some high tech equipment that is available to the general public. However the challenge is finding the right devices for the right job. You can waste a lot of money and a lot of time if you don’t get the right advice. And you may also lose the opportunity to carry out the surveillance if you don’t act quickly.

Computer Monitoring Software

Some cheating husbands list themselves on social dating sites and they often access these sites on the home computer. If you want to find out how your home computer is being used then computer monitoring software is a very valuable tool to search the computer for such evidence.

There is a range of software available, some are very difficult to use, and at the end of the day, just a complete waste of money. But others are simple and quick to install, and obtain the necessary answers you need very quickly. Although this is just one piece of evidence in the jigsaw puzzle.

Keylogging Software

If you really want to know what’s going on with your computer then you can install keylogging software which stores the keystrokes that are typed on your keyboard.

Keylogging software has been used in the corporate world for a long time and many parents use it to monitor the activity of their children. If used correctly keylogging software can tell you what has been typed into the computer including conversations and which websites have been visited. However this type of software should not be used for an illegal purpose such as obtaining passwords to log in to another persons social network, such as their facebook account or email accounts or dating profiles.

GPS Trackers

GPS trackers are an extremely useful tool in surveillance and when used properly can give very accurate positioning of its location. However there are a lot of poor quality GPS trackers on the market that have a low range, short battery life and are difficult to use. The instruction manuals are sometimes even written in a different language. Some of them are just a complete waste of money and are not worth the effort A cheap foreign made GPS just won’t have the qualities that you need to be able to take care of the surveillance yourself and may give you misleading information or no information at all.

A good quality GPS tracker will be durable, waterproof, small and robust enough to endure tough conditions. It should also have a long battery life of at least a few days. A good GPS device should also double as a listening bug and you should also insist that the GPS be able to be monitored with the use of your computer or mobile phone. That way you will know where the device is at all times.

Hidden Cameras

Hidden cameras are a valuable tool in any surveillance activity and can be effective in obtaining hard truths that are unable to be obtained any other way. You can use a hidden camera in your own home to monitor activities that you think are suspicious.

Some cameras are hidden within an everyday devices, however sometimes we don’t recommend these devices as a new item that is introduced into an environment is sometimes very obvious to spot.

A good hidden camera will have a long battery life, and if possible have a motion sensor which will only record if there are people in a room. It should also have a large storage drive in order to capture hours of video surveillance without the need for regular attention. You should make sure that the storage device (usually an SD card) is easily connected to your computer for viewing of these files.

Listening Bugs

Listening bugs come in all shapes and sizes, and more importantly all ranges of quality. There are a few essential characteristics of a good listening bug, that is the sound quality and detection range and secondly the battery life. If you purchase a cheap listening bug then you’ll be constantly checking the batteries, and even if the batteries are working you may not get a good quality recording.

So when you’ve selected the best quality listening bug it’s important to put it in a place that is discreet and that will give you the best chance of recording what you want to hear.

These devices, if used properly are again a very useful tool in carrying out surveillance yourself.

Using a Private Investigator

But sometimes it’s just best to rely on the skills of a professional and stop trying to do it yourself. We take our cars to mechanics, and get our teeth fixed by dentists. We get the best tax refunds from a Tax Agent and we go to lawyers for legal advice. So when it comes to expert surveillance and obtaining the evidence of a cheating spouse there is no-one more qualified than a licensed Private Investigator.

A good private investigator will follow your instructions, but also advise you on the best method of surveillance and help you make important decisions regarding the process. And a professional Private Investigator will communicate with you and keep you informed of how the investigation is progressing such as where your spouse is, who they are with, and where they are. You can then decide if you want to continue with the investigation or cease surveillance because you have already obtained the answers you need.

So overall there are a lot of options available to carry out surveillance on a cheating spouse. But the best thing to do is to get advice from a professional who will tell you what method is the best for you. This can take the stress out of an emotional situation for you and will ultimately get you the answers you need.